Foreign Interference & Repression of Falun Gong in Canada | Falun Dafa Association of Canada

This 100-plus-page report exposes communist China’s 25-year campaign of foreign interference and transnational repression against the Falun Gong community in Canada, with broad implications for Canadian society. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) employs tactics such as political infiltration, manipulation, intimidation, disinformation, assault, harassment, hate incitement, […]

Transplant Abuse in China Continues Despite Claims of Reform (2018)

China now performs more organ transplants than any other country in the world, despite having few donations. Where do these organs come from? A decade of research by international investigators has found that the Chinese regime is systematically killing prisoners of conscience on demand to feed its vast organ transplant industry. With patients throughout the world traveling to China for organ transplants, the practice has become a global crime.

Falun Gong’s Challenge to China: Spiritual Practice or “Evil Cult”?

In one of the most bizarre cases of political repression in modern history, the People’s Republic of China has banned a spiritual practice built around traditional exercises and meditation. They say that Falun Gong has become a dangerous threat to the largest nation on Earth. Why is this happening? Is it because Falun Gong has attracted an estimated l00 million practitioners? What is Falun Gong’s appeal? What is it that China fears?